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Supporting Pride Month


It is June, and rainbow imagery is inescapable. Pride month is upon us and it has become one of the highlights of the year. We’ve got picnics, festivals, parades, parties, and one of the greatest parties our communities throws in the entire year coming up in August: PrideFest.

Pride month is and always has been about the LGBTQ+ community. It doesn’t belong to the straight community, but we’re invited to the party. It is easy to see the celebration aspect; the music, the dancing, the colors, and the costumes, but its origins are much darker. The first Pride event wasn’t a street festival, it was a riot. People were hurt. More recently, this week in 2016 a gunman targeted a nightclub in Florida popular with the LGBTQ+ community and killed 49 people. They weren’t killed because of their politics or because they hurt anyone, they were killed simply for whom they loved. 

Locally, Nationally, and Worldwide, the LGBTQ+ community continues to face pushback, obstacles, and hate. Local Republicans are publishing stories condemning the LGBTQ+ community, trotting out the tired old religious finger-wagging and telling folks that their god doesn’t like them. They’ve attacked children, they’ve attacked their schools, they’ve attacked their teachers. 

If you’re not part of the LGBTQ+ community and you’ve of an age where you watched Saturday Morning cartoons, then you’ve seen the shift in attitudes. It wasn’t that long ago that LGBTQ+ folks couldn’t celebrate publicly. They were still there though. Maybe you look at all the rainbows and cute slogans as performative, or something that doesn’t affect or involve you. Maybe you’re still getting used to the idea of same-sex relationships becoming more mainstream. 

I’ve had a lot of conversations with folks who use phrases like “I don’t agree with the lifestyle,” or “sexual preference,” or reference the Bible or crime concerns. Here are some gentle hints: it’s not a lifestyle, it's not a choice, using the Bible to discriminate against other people is wrong, and gay people are not going to hurt you. These are harmful stereotypes and are just not true. Perhaps consider that the impressions you were taught weren’t accurate. Perhaps consider that those impressions came from other straight folks intent on keeping the estimated 10% of the population who are part of the LGBTQ+ community in a marginalized place. 

The good news is that its not too late. You’re still invited! Come on out and learn! Get some amazing cookies at Ivy Lane or Grove Street Bakery! Visit BobzBay and find a new book! Visit Hope Church, the Bloomington Unitarian Universalist Church, or the New Covenant Community church! Best yet, come on out to PrideFest. Just TRY and not have fun when you’re surrounded by cool people, great music, food, drinks, art, and life. 

For my friends in the LGBTQ+ community, HAPPY PRIDE! You'll find lots of allies and members of the community in local government, as well as community, faith-based, health, art, food, and entertainment resources proud to serve the LGBTQ+ community. If you’re new to the area, welcome and we’re glad you’re here! 

Our own Prairie Pride Coalition publishes an annual guide to local LGBTQ+ friendly business and organizations. Check out more of those options here.

See you at PrideFest!

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