The McLean County Republican Party (McGOP) is having an identity crisis. Again.
This past week, in a bizarrely prolific burst of posts, it seems they're wanting to be a news source now.
This is understandable, given the information vacuum in the wake of the firing of all of the on-air staff at the hard right radio outlet known as Insurrection Radio (Cities 92.9), local extremists, flat earthers, election deniers, and gun nuts have no place to go. But given the years of attacks they've made against traditional media and the culture of paranoia and grievance politics, that might be a tough sell.
But let's take a look.
Well I'm shocked. But, let's be charitable* and not assume the McGOP page is monitored by conspiracy theorists, culture warriors, and MAGA wingnuts and lets take a look at the sources they routinely share for news and updates.
*Spoiler alert: Yeah, no. Don't be charitable, it really is that bad.
Putting aside the straight up lies in this post, this is betrays the anti-education push by the county Republican party. Their rhetoric doesn't match the facts (none of this statement is true) and betrays the fact that the McLean County Republican Party is anti-education and anti-public school. Check the records of local R's regarding their stance on the Unit 5 referendum. Do you like having your students in Art, Music, and PE? The McLean County Republican party has worked tirelessly and poured tons of money into cutting those programs.
Their source for this is Wirepoints, an organization run by a former vice president of Illinois Policy Institute, a well funded and well known source of right wing misinformation and lies. Wirepoints is at the forefront on attacks on public schools in Illinois. Remember the fake newspapers that published your name and address last Spring? The same guy, Dan Proft, funded both those efforts and organizations.
Putting aside the fact that Chicago is (checks notes) still not in McLean County, this one combines some favorite boogeymen: Chicago and Teachers Unions.
What exactly is the point of this statement? It's regressive, untrue, and has nothing to do with McLean County.
The source for this quote is City Journal, funded by a New York based conservative think tank known for their attacks on LGBTQ policy and public schools.
These examples represent less than half the content put out over two days.
Two. Days.
The McLean County Republican party has shown itself to be regressive and contrarian and a roadblock to progress. That they specifically advertise themselves as a news source then flood their users (who have to pay to be a member of the party) with lies and bad information shows again that they simply cannot be trusted.
As the 2024 election season begins to pick up steam, ask yourself: What has the McLean County Republican party created or built recently? What community initiatives have they supported? Why spend so much effort tearing down and denigrating beloved and popular institutions like public schools?
I sincerely hope the party finds its way again. I'd love to work with actual Republicans who have ideas that don't involve excluding people, supporting wannabe dictators, or sticking it to. the other guy. .